About us
CBAB – CROP BREEDING AND APPLIED BIOTECHNOLOGY (cbab.sbmp.org.br/, e ISSN 1984-7033) is the official quarterly journal of the Brazilian Society of Plant Breeding (www.sbmp.org.br), abbreviated CROP BREED APPL BIOTECHNOL. CBAB is indexed in Clarivate (Web of Science), Scopus, SciELO, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Portal Periodicos UFV, AGRIS, CAB International Abstracts, Biosys, Latindex, Periódica, Chemical Abstracts Service, Agricola, Agrobase, Wilson, Ebsco, ProQuest, Acervo Documental da Embrapa, and Portal da Capes. It publishes original articles contributing to scientific and technological development of plant breeding and agriculture.
2023 JCR Impact Factor of 1.3 (Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate); 2023 SJR of 0.36 Q2 (SCImago Journal Rank, Scopus)

Since 2001
Publishing with us

CBAB offers authors the following benefits:
- CBAB is a diamond open access journal
- All articles are published free of charge
- Submission and review of manuscripts via ScholarOne platform
- Quick publication: average time of 91 days, in 2023
- PDF articles freely available online
- Evaluation by renowned national and international reviewers of the Web of Science
- Application of iThenticate software against plagiarism
- All articles are published with DOI, e-location and QR code
- Broad visibility, with publication of articles exclusively in English since 2001

Contact us
CBAB – Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology
Departamento de Fitotecnia
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Campus Universitário S/N
36570-000 Viçosa – MG – Brasil
+55 31 3612-4490

Since 2001