CULTIVAR RELEASE – FUS Guarani: new soybean cultivar for the state Minas UFUS Guarani: new soybean cultivar for the state Minas Gerais

FUS Guarani: new soybean cultivar for the state Minas UFUS Guarani: new soybean cultivar for the state Minas Gerais

Osvaldo Toshiyuki Hamawaki, Larissa Barbosa de Sousa, Marcela Cristina Garcia Cunha, Maria Amélia dos Santos, and Raphael Lemes Hamawaki

ABSTRACT – Day by day alternatives in genetic improvement are being been sought to ensure higher crop productivity. UFUS Guarani developed by the Federal University of Uberlandia is resistant to natural dehiscence and to the diseases: Sudden death syndrome (SDS), frogeye leaf spot, downy mildew, bacterial pustule, stem canker and stem necrosis; the potential yield is 3494ikg ha-1, the grain oil content is 18% and protein content 38%.

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