CULTIVAR RELEASE – SCS453 Noninha and SCS454 Carvoeira – new banana cultivars of the Prata subgroup

SCS453 Noninha and SCS454 Carvoeira – new banana cultivars of the Prata subgroup

Ramon Felipe Scherer, André Boldrin Beltrame, Gustavo Henrique Ferrero Klabunde, Luana Aparecida Castilho Maro, Gelton Geraldo Fernandes Guimarães, Márcio Sônego and Luiz Alberto Lichtemberg

Abstract: ‘SCS453 Noninha’ and ‘SCS454 Carvoeira’ are new banana cultivars derived from the subgroup Prata (AAB). In comparison with the latter, ‘SCS453 Noninha’ has a low pseudostem height, ‘SCS454 Carvoeira’ a high yield and both unchanged fruit characteristics. Both also have increased resistance to Panama wilt and ‘SCS454 Carvoeira’ to Sigatoka.

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