Early haploid identification by stomatal guard cell length in tropical supersweet corn using different inducers
Letícia de Freitas de Souza, Bruno Figueiró Fregonezi, Juliana Moraes Machado de Oliveira, Vitor Joaquim de Lucena, Otavio Gabriel Lalau Hoda, Iran de Azevedo Duarte and Josué Maldonado Ferreira
Abstract: Identification of early haploids is necessary to increase the efficiency of the double haploid production. The objectives were to determine the effectiveness of early selection of haploid seedling and to investigate the haploid inducers and donor tropical supersweet corn interactions, based on stomatal guard cell length. Two haploid inducers, three supersweet corn populations and its six combinations of F1’s diploid and haploid, classified based on the expression of the R1-navajo gene and by the colors of the first leaf sheath in seedlings at the V2 stage, were used. From each seedling of the treatments, external epidermal impressions were taken to measure the stomatal guard cell length. F1 haploids showed a 32.7% to 38.2% reduction in guard cell length compared to F1 diploids. The parents contributed differently to reduce or increase guard cell length in the F1’s combinations, but without specific interactions between parents.