Quantitative genetic characterization of an in vivo germplasm collection of Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne
Lamartine Nogueira Nogueira Gonzaga, Odilon Peixoto de Morais Júnior, Alexandre Siqueira Guedes Coelho, Alice Francener Nogueira Gonzaga and Lázaro José Chaves
Abstract: Hymenaea stigonocarpa (“jatobá-do-cerrado”) is a fruit species na- tive to the Brazilian Cerrado indicated as a priority for research and sustain- able exploitation. The present study aimed to characterize the accessions and evaluate the magnitude and distribution of the genetic variability of an in vivo germplasm collection of this species. The experimental material consisted of 336 accessions, from 119 maternal progenies, from 24 subpopulations, sampled over a wide area in the Cerrado. The traits plant height, stem diameter, number of branches and number of leaves were evaluated based on 11 measurements, over 28 months. The growth dynamics varied over time, with greater development in the rainy season. There was a significant difference among subpopulations for all growth traits, showing the potential for selection among provenances in a breeding program. The structuring of quantitative genetic differentiation among subpopulations is compatible with the variation expected by genetic drift, with no sign of divergent selection.