Conventional breeding and industrial profile of a special Papaver somniferum L. cultivar for dual use
Jozef Fejér, Filip Král, Alena Miháliková and Richard Hercek
Abstract: This research outlines the development of a specialized cultivar of the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.), designed for dual purposes. The primary goal was to breed a variety well-adapted to specific environmental conditions, with a focus on producing poppy straw rich in morphine for industrial applications. Progeny evaluation was conducted using selection and pedigree methods, with morphological characteristics assessed according to UPOV TG 166/4 guidelines. Six years of selection resulted in the material becoming homogenized and stabilized. The progeny achieved an average morphine content of 1.31% to 1.55%, with the best lines reaching up to 2.00%. These stable lines formed the foundation for the approval process. Following successful evaluations in Slovak state variety trials, the cultivar Senmorteco was officially registered. This variety serves a dual purpose: producing poppy straw for morphine extraction and poppy seeds for food use.