CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS 427 OL’: a high-yield, large-seeded runner-type peanut cultivar with high oleic acid content

‘BRS 427 OL’: a high-yield, large-seeded runner-type peanut cultivar with high oleic acid content

Taís de Moraes Falleiro Suassuna, Reni Saath, Emilly Ruas Alkimim, Valdinei Sofiatti, Jair Heuert, Luiz Alberto Colnago, Tiago Zoz, Cássio de Castro Seron, Ágide Gimenez Marassi and Nelson Dias Suassuna

Abstract: ‘BRS 427 OL’ is a high-yield, runner-type peanut cultivar with high oleic acid content. ‘BRS 427 OL’ is recommended for cultivation in the main peanut-producing regions in Brazil. This cultivar features an intermediate runner growth habit, medium maturity, and large seeds with a pink testa.

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