CULTIVAR RELEASE – UENF 506 16: A new maize cultivar alternative for the state of Rio de Janeiro

UENF 506 16: A new maize cultivar alternative for the state of Rio de Janeiro

Messias Gonzaga Pereira, Vivane Mirian Lanhellas Gonçalves, Jocarla Ambrosim Crevelari, Juliana Saltires Santos, Geferson Rocha Santos, Renato Santa Catarina, Leandro Hespanhol Viana and Wanderson Souza Rabello

Abstract: This article presents maize hybrid UENF 506 16, focusing on its development through reciprocal recurrent selection and its performance in cultivation and use value tests. UENF 506 16 has shown high prolificacy and environmental stability, making it a reliable, recommended choice for cultivation in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

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