CULTIVAR RELEASE – Unemat Esmeralda: A new fusariosis-resistant spineless pineapple cultivar

Unemat Esmeralda: A new fusariosis-resistant spineless pineapple cultivar

Willian Krause, Dayane Castro Silva, Angélica Padilha de Freitas, Debora Sarana Ortolan Arantes, Rayla Nemis de Souza, Eileen Azevedo Santos, Celice Alexandre Silva, Dejânia Vieira de Araújo and Leonarda Grillo Neves

Abstract: Unemat Esmeralda is a spineless pineapple cultivar notable for its resistance to fusariosis. It produces large, conical fruits with creamy-white, juicy flesh. The fruits exhibit a high soluble solids (SS) and an SS-to-total acidity ratio that exceeds fresh market standards, making Unemat Esmeralda an appealing choice for pineapple growers.

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