ARTICLE – Selection of high protein content and high yield soybean families

Selection of high protein content and high yield soybean families

Odilon Lemos de Mello Filho, Carlos Sigueyuki Sediyama, Maurílio Alves Moreira, Múcio Silva Reis, Guilherme Augusto Massoni de Andrade, Rafael Rosalino Dias and Newton Denis Piovesan

Abstract: The present work aimed to show that it is possible to select soybean families bearing high seed protein contents without decreasing the grain yield. Four BC,F, and four F, populations were used for this purpose. These populations were originated each from the crossing of a high protein material and a commercial variety. The population means, heritabilities, correlation coefficients, and gains by direct selection were estimated. The main conclusions were i) it was possible to select families presenting both high seed protein content and high yield; ii) population CD206-CR presented families with highest seed protein contents. Despite a high heritability of the protein content and an intermediate for grain yield, the negative genetic correlation between these traits did not permit a simultaneous selection.

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