CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Vereda’: new common bean cultivar of the “Rosinha” commercial grain type

‘BRS Vereda’: new common bean cultivar of the “Rosinha” commercial grain type

Luis Cláudio de Faria, Maria José Del Peloso, Joaquim Geraldo Cáprio da Costa, Carlos Agustin Rava, Geraldo Estevam de Souza Carneiro, Dino Magalhães Soares, José Luis Cabrera Díaz, Heloisa Torres da Silva, Aloisio Sartorato, Josias Correa de Faria and Francisco José Pfeilsticker Zimmermann

Abstract: This cultivar originated from a multiple cross performed at Embrapa Rice and Beans. After undergoing the bulk method in F, and F; and modified SSD in Fy and Fs, line LM 93203304 was selected for its remarkable grain yield and erect plant type. It was released in 2002 under the trade name BRS Vereda, for the States of Goiás/Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Minas Gerais.

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