CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 109 – wheat cultivar

CD 109 – wheat cultivar

Volmir Sergio Marchioro, Francisco de Assis Franco, Ivan Schuster, Tatiane Dalla Nora, Edson Feliciano de Oliveira and Ademar Alves Sobrinho

Abstract: ‘CD 109′ was developed by CIMMYT in Mexico and selected by COODETEC at the 29h IBWSN, in Palotina, State of Paraná, Brazil, in 1997. This is a cultivar of high industrial quality, with low plant height, drought tolerance, tolerance to the main diseases, and grain yield means of 2603 and 2698 kg ha’! in the Regions 6 (north) and 7 (center-west) in the State of Parand, respectively.

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