Effect of the number of intermatings on genetic properties of a segregant common bean population
Marcelo Sfeir de Aguiar, Magno Antonio Patto Ramalho, Angela de Fátima Barbosa Abreu and José Eustáquio de Souza Carneiro
Abstract: Objective of this study was to verify whether the intermating of F) plants improves the efficiency of the elective process in common bean. A multiple cross involving eight parents was obtained for this purpose. Three populations were derived from this cross (So): without intermating, with one, and with two intermatings. One hundred and thirty families were taken from each population to assess the So.2 and So.3 generations. The magnitude of the trait grain yield was not affected by intermating, while the genetic variance presented a small increase that could be due to the linkage in repulsion of some genes involved in the trait control. The conclusion was drawn that the enhancement in thé efficiency of the selective process with intermating does not justify the required time and cost investment.