Molecular detection of mutation in apple rootstocks
Adriana Cibele de Mesquita Dantas, Rubens Onofre Nodari
Abstract: This study investigated the molecular characterization of genetic polymorphism in M9 and Marubakaido apple rootstocks propagated by cutting and by micropropagation. Nine isozymic, 39 RAPD, and 10 microsatellite polymorphic markers were identified and considered able to differentiate the rootstocks. Propagated systems could be differentiated by polymorphisms observed in isozyme loci and RAPD in certain genomic regions, and microsatellites were able to detect even the homozygous or heterozygous nature of polymorphic loci. The M9 rootstock, propagated in vitro, was more prone to genetically induced variation than the other rootstotock. The choice of the molecular marker is important and depends on the efficiency with which markers detect polymorphism and the different types of ongoing DNA changes.