ARTICLE – QTL mapping for common bean grain yield in different environments

QTL mapping for common bean grain yield in different environments

Leonardo Cunha Melo, João Bosco dos Santos and Daniel Furtado Ferreira

Abstract: Objectives of this research were to identify QTLs that control the grain yield of common bean in different environments, to evaluate interactions of the QTLs with the environments, and to compare the mapping and multiple regression methods. One hundred and ninety-six recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross of Carioca with Flor de Mayo cultivars sown in two periods in 1996, 1997, and 1998 were evaluated at two sites. Seven field experiments were conducted for the phenotypic evaluation of the families in a 14 x 14 simple square lattice design. The QTLs x sites interaction was significant, but some stable QTLs were identified. The results of the two studied methods were not in line. The most stable and promising molecular markers for a marker-assisted selection for grain yield were OPO-19 (1412 pb), OPO-20 (1585 pb), and OPN-07 (1445 pb).

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