ARTICLE – Environment and genotype-environment interaction in maize breeding in Parana, Brazil

Environment and genotype-environment interaction in maize breeding in Parana, Brazil

Francisco Terasawa Jr., Roland Vencovsky and Henrique Koehler

Abstract: The objectives of this study were: to quantify environmental variation and genotype-environment effects in maize hybrids, within and between two macro-environments in the state of Paraná; and to group the environments according to the hybrid performance and determine the most adequate locations for selection in the state in the main crop season. The trials were carried out in the 2003/2004 growing season at six locations; Campo Largo (CL), Ponta Grossa (PG), Fazenda Rio Grande (FZ), Londrina (LD), Centendrio do Sul (CS) and Palotina (PL). The effects of location (L), macro-environments (ME), locations within macro-environments (WME), hybrids (H), and the interactions (H x L), (H x ME), (H x WME) were significant (at 0.1 % probability). Two clusters were formed, contrasting with the macro-environment zoning: (CL, FZ) and (PG, CS, LD). PL was excluded from both. Under the average conditions of the state, environments appropriatfeor high yields were most Suitable for selection as well.

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