ARTICLE – Evaluation of mineral content in maize under flooding

Evaluation of mineral content in maize under flooding

Juliano Lino Ferreira, Celso Henrique Moreira Coelho, Paulo César Magalhaes, Gustavo César Sant’ana and Aluízio Borém

Abstract: This study examined the effects of plant mineral content on different cycles of recurrent selection of the floodtolerant, open-pollinated maize variety BRS 4154 – “Saracura”, under soil flooding. Experiments with the main treatments flooded or unflooded were conducted in Sete Lagoas, MG – Brazil. Samples of the cycles 1, 5, 9 and 15 were sown in a randomized block design. The open-pollinated variety BR 107 and single-cross hybrid BRS 1010 were used as floodsusceptible controls. The stress caused by water excess in the soil reduced the nitrogen content in the cycles 5 and 9, and calcium in cycle 15; but increased potassium in cycle 1. However, it did not significantly influence the content of phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, and copper. Additionally, recurrent selection under flooding diminished potassium and calcium content along the cycles.

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