ARTICLE – In vitro germination and viability of pollen grains of banana diploids

In vitro germination and viability of pollen grains of banana diploids

Taliane Leila Soares, Sebastião de Oliveira e Silva, Maria Angélica Pereira de Carvalho Costa, Janay Almeida dos Santos-Serejo, Antônio da Silva Souza, Lucymeire Souza Morais Lino, Everton Hilo de Souza and Onildo Nunes de Jesus

Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of pH on in vitro germination and pollen grain viability of banana diploids (AA) generated by the breeding program of Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical. The pollen grains were inoculated in culture medium containing 15% sucrose, 0.01% H;BO;, 0.01% KNO;, 0.03% Ca(NO;)>.4H20, 0.02% MgS04.7H,0, solidified with 0.8% agar and pH adjusted to 5.8 or 7.0. Pollen viability was evaluated by staining with 1% acetic carmine. The germination percentages of the genotypes 9187-0] (90.0%) and M-53 (89.7%) in pH 7.0 medium were highest, while the pollen tube length of genotype 9187-01 was approximately half the size (1.79mm) of genotype M-53 (3.84mm). The pollen viability of the genotypes evaluated was higher than 85%, even for the diploids with a low in vitro germination percentage.

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