Phylogenetic relationships in Solanaceae and related species based on cpDNA sequence from plastid trn EtrnT region
Danila Montewka Melotto-Passarin, Irving Joseph Berger, Keini Dressano, Valentina de Fátima De Martin, Giancarlo Conde Xavier Oliveira,
Ralph Bock and Helaine Carrer
Abstract: Intergenic spacers of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) are very useful in phylogenetic and population genetic studies of plant species, to study their potential integration in phylogenetic analysis. The non-coding trnE-trnT intergenic spacer of cpDNA was analyzed to assess the nucleotide sequence polymor ‘phism of 16 Solanaceae species and to estimate its abil ity to contribute to the resolution of phylogenetic studies of this group. Multiple alignments of DNA sequences of trnE-trnT intergenic spacer made the identification of nucleotide variabil ity in this region possible and the phylogeny was estimated by maximum parsimony and rooted with Convolvulaceae Ipomoea batatas, the most closely related family. Besides, this intergenic spacer was tested for the phylogenetic ability to differentiate taxonomic levels, For this purpose, species from four other families were analyzed and compared with Solanaceae species. Results confirmed polymorphism in the trnE-trnT region at different taxonomic levels.