BRS Minotauro – Triticale Cultivar
Alfredo do Nascimento Junior, Pedro Luiz Scheeren, Márcio Só e Silva, Eduardo Caierão, Luiz Eichelberger, Maria Imaculada Pontes, Moreira Lima, Sandra Patussi Brammer and Ana Christina Sagebin Albuquerque
Abstract: The triticale cultivar BRS Minotauro was developed by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation Embrapa. It is a result of a cross of Brazilian wheat and rye with hexaploid triticale. BRS Minotauro is hexaploid, has a medium cycle, medium to tall plant stature, adapts extremely well to cultivation conditions in the south of Brazil, with an average grain yield of 3,790 kg ha’, i.e., 9% higher than the mean yield of the controls, and has a high yield stability in different environments.