CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC-Alvorada and IAC-Diplomata: new common bean cultivars

IAC-Alvorada and IAC-Diplomata: new common bean cultivars

Sérgio Augusto Morais Carbonell, Alisson Fernando Chiorato, Margarida Fumiko Ito, Eliana Francischinelli Perina, João Guilherme Ribeiro Gongalves, Paulo Sérgio de Souza, Paulo Boller Gallo, Marcelo Ticelli, Carlos Augusto Colombo and Joaquim Adelino de Azevedo Filho

Abstract: The aim of common bean breeding programs is the development of high-yielding cultivars, with multiple disease resistance and high technological and nutritional grain quality. Two cultivars, IAC-Alvorada with carioca grain, and IAC-Diplomata with black grain, meet these standards, according to the results of trials of Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU) 2005/2006/2007 in São Paulo. The cultivars, developed by the Instituto Agronômico de C ampinas, were registered by the MAPA/RNC.

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