Analysis of genetic diversity in the core collection of red clover (Trifolium pratense) with isozyme and RAPD markers
Paula Menna Barreto Dias, Viviane Falkembach Pretz, Miguel Dall’Agnol, Maria Teresa Schifino-Wittmann and Jose Angelo Zuanazzi
Abstract: The genetic diversity in the red clover USA core collection was measured by RAPD and isozyme markers, comparing different approaches of isozyme data analysis and comparing the results of RAPD with those of isozymes, A total of 15 isozyme loci and 114 RAPD fragments were analyzed. Genetic diversity measured with RAPD and isozymes was high. The analyses of isozymes as binary data was highly correlated with the allele-frequency approach. There was no correlation between the distance matrices of different markers. Isoryme data grouped the accessions of red clover in four groups. The variation evidenced by AMOVA was higher among and within groups in the populations than at the intra-population level. Results showed the high diversity in the red clover core collection and indicated some populations that could be used in breeding programs of the crop in Brazil.