Callus induction and plant regeneration by Brazilian new elite wheat genotypes
Eliane Cristina Gruszka Vendruscolo, Ivan Schuster, Elisa Serra Negra and Carlos Alberto Scapim
Abstract: The distinction of genotypes responsive to tissue culture and the development of an efficient regeneration system are the first steps towards transgenic plant production, Nine Brazilian wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes were cultivated in vitro to evaluate the embryogenetic capacity. The explants (immature zygotic embryos) were tested in two different culture media, MS (Murashige and Skoog 1962) and modified MS – MMS (Zhou et al. 1995) with decreasing dosages of hormone regulators. Three distinct phases were observed in each medium: induction, maintenance and regeneration, After induction, the somatic embryogenesis of calli was evaluated every 21 days. Genotypes responded differently to the different culture media. The embryogenic response of genotype CD104 was best in both culture media tested. On MMS, the values of callus induction, plant regeneration and ratio of regenerated plantlets per rescued embryo of this genotype were 100%, 99.5% and 1.1%, respectively. Genotypes CD104, CD200126 and CDFAPA 2001129 were most responsive on MS (regeneration capacity of 37.5%, 33.5% and 33% respectively), and therefore interesting for genetic transformation in plant breeding programs that develop new elite cultivars with a commercial purpose.