CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 275 (BRS Dão): Hybrid clone of dwarf x common or giant cashew

BRS 275 (BRS Dão): Hybrid clone of dwarf x common or giant cashew

João Rodrigues de Paiva, José Jaime Vasconcelos Cavalcanti, Levi de Moura Barros, João Ribeiro Crisóstomo, Antônio Calixto Lima, José Emilson Cardoso, Antônio Lindemberg Martins Mesquita and José Luiz Mosca

Abstract: BRS Dão is a cashew clone developed by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation Embrapa, sector Tropical Agro-industry, in partnership with the C ompanhia Industrial de Óleos do Nordeste (CIONE). It was selected from a plant derived from the cross between the dwarf clone CCP 1001 and the common genotype CP 12, It is recommended for cultivation without irrigation along the coastline in the Northeast of Brazil and in similar environmental conditions for both nut and peduncle production for the fruit juice industry.

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