Program R: applications in plant breeding
Luiz Alexandre Peternelli
Abstract: Nowadays the demand for so-called free, or open source software for data analysis as well as the appeal to use it is great. An public domain software that has become extremely well-known, with ever-increasing numbers of fans and even co-workers, is Environment R, or simply R. R is extremely useful for data analysis and manipulation in view of a range of tools already implemented. Also, R is not simply a statistical program, because, by its easy on using internal functions and also creating new ones, statistical procedures applied to data can also be created, manipulated, evaluated and interpreted. R contains numerous libraries (or packages), some already included in the default setting. This course will focus on the application of R in statistical analyses in plant breeding. Explanations on the use of various commands and functions will be illustrated with examples, to facilitate the interpretation and adaptation to other similar problems.