ARTICLE – Combining ability of opium poppy genotypes over F1 and F2 generations of 8×8 diallel cross

Combining ability of opium poppy genotypes over F1 and F2 generations of 8×8 diallel cross

Hemant Kumar Yadav; KN Maurya; Sudhir Shukla and SP Singh

Abstract: Combining abilities for yield, its component traits and morphine content were examined in opium poppy to understand the inheritance pattern of these traits, and to identify genotypes suitable for genetic improvement of yield and morphine content. The experiment comprising a total of 64 treatments 28 F1+28 F2 and 8 parents) was evaluated in RBD. The results showed that most of the traits are governed by non additive gene action however additive gene action fs also important. The parents BR-232, BR-245, BR-234 were found to be good general combiners for yield and its related traits and can be utilized in multiple breeding programs. SCA effects in relation to GCA effects of parents showed that most of the cross combinations with high SCA effects involved high x high, high x low and low x low GCA combiners.

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