ARTICLE – Comparing Biplot Multivariate Analyses with Eberhart and Russell’ method for genotype x environment interaction

Comparing Biplot Multivariate Analyses with Eberhart and Russell’ method for genotype x environment interaction

Glauco Vieira Miranda; Heraldo Namorato; Leandro Vagno de Souza; Lucimar Rodrigues Oliveira; Rodrigo Oliveira DeLima and Eder Eduardo Mantovani

Abstract: The aim of this study was to compare the multivariate methods GGE (Genotype main effects and Genotype x Environment interaction) and AMMI (Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction) with the method of Eberhart and Russell for interpreting genotype x environment interaction. The AMMI and GGE analysis explained around 50% of the sum of squares of the genotype x environment interaction, whereas the method of Eberhart and Russell explained only 9.1 and 15.8% each year. The cultivars classified as minor contribution to the genotype x environment interaction by methods of AMMI and GGE were also the same classification method of Eberhart and Russell. The AMMI and the GGE biplot analyses are more efficient than the Eberhart and Russell. The GGE biplot explains a higher proportion of the sum of squares of the GxE interaction and is more informative with regards to environments and cultivar performance than the AMMI analysis.

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