Contribution of the universities to the development of field crop cultivars
Carlos Sigueyuki Sediyama; José Eustáquio de Souza Carneiro; Roberto Fritsche-Neto; Tuneo Sediyama; Márcio Henrique Pereira Barbosa; João Carlos Galvão and Moacil Alves de Cardoso Souza
Abstract: Public and private research institutions employ their best efforts to produce new cultivars, which are intended to ensure productivity, reduce ecological footprint and present characteristics that meet consumer expectations. Some Brazilian universities, which are usually originated from schools of higher education in agriculture, have contributed to the breeding of some crops. These universities also aimed to solve the problems of the Brazilian agricultural sector, and became essential tool to make Brazil an important player in the agribusiness world. In the last decades, regarding the five species presented here, the universities have developed 35 oat cultivars and made the country self-sufficient in this grain; they have also developed cultivars of common beans (27), sugarcane (59), soybean (62), and wheat (03), besides countless corn hybrids, since works in this species date before the establishment of the national cultivar registration system.