Plant breeding at Instituto Agronômico do Paraná: IAPAR
Vânia Moda-Cirino; Antonio Carlos Gerage; Carlos Roberto Riede; Gustavo Hiroshi Sera; Mário Abbud Takahashi; Nilceu Nelson Salim Nazareno; Pedro Mario de Ricetti Xavier de Araújo; Pedro Martins Auler; Ruy Seigi Yamaoka; Tumoru Sera and Wilson Paes de Almeida
Abstract: The plant breeding program at IAPAR started in 1972, soon after its foundation, and has as main objective the development of superior cultivars with high yield potential, genetic resistance to major biotic and abiotic adverse factors and good nutritional and technological quality. Over these forty years, IAPAR has made available to farmers 184 cultivars of different species, resulting in an increase in the productivity, greater availability of food, decrease in environmental impacts, addition of value to agricultural properties and life improvement of farmers and consumers. Thus, the institution fulfills its mission of generating technology, contributing to the development of agriculture in Paraná and in other parts of Brazil, since many of the cultivars developed are used in different regions of the country.