ARTICLE – Combining ability of wheat genotypes in two models of diallel analyses

Combining ability of wheat genotypes in two models of diallel analyses

Igor Pirez Valério; Fernando Irajá Félix de Carvalho; Antonio Costa de Oliveira; Velci Queiroz de Souza; Giovani Benin; Douglas André Malmann Schmidt; Guilherme Ribeiro; Rafael Nornberg and Henrique Luch

Abstract: Diallel analyses are commonly used for the estimate of population genetic effects. Different models can be used, with a direct effect on the inferences. The objective of this study was to determine and compare two diallel analysis models, fixed and random, regarding the combining effects among six wheat genotypes. The experiment was conducted in the county of Capão do Leão/RS in the year 2006. Six wheat genotypes were used that were used for artificial crosses according to a complete diallel model without reciprocals, resulting in 15 hybrid combinations. The data were subjected to diallel analyses according to model 2 of Griffing (fixed) and BLUP (random). The results show that both diallel models indicate similar general combining ability effects. On the other hand, for the specific combining ability, the data must be used with caution, considering the two models simultaneously.

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