Genetic parameters and selection for resistance to bacterial spot in recombinant F6 lines of Capsicum annuum
Elaine Manelli Riva-Souza; Rosana Rodrigues; Cláudia Pombo Sudré; Messias Gonzaga Pereira; Cíntia dos Santos Bento and Frederico de Pina Matta
Abstract: This study aimed to advance generations and select superior sweet pepper genotypes with resistance to bacterial spot, using the breeding method Single Seed Descent (SSD) based on the segregating population derived from the cross between Capsicum annuum L. UENF 1421 (susceptible, non-pungent) and UENF 1381 (resistant, pungent). The segregating F3 generation was grown in pots in a greenhouse until the F5 generation. The F6 generation was grown in field conditions. The reaction to bacterial spot was evaluated by inoculation with isolate ENA 4135 of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria, based on a score scale and by calculating the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). The presence or absence of capsaicin was also assessed. Eighteen F6 lines were bacterial leaf spot-resistant. Since no capsaicin was detected in the F6 lines 032, 316, 399, 434, and 517, these will be used in the next steps of the sweet pepper breeding program.