ARTICLE – Inheritance and combining ability in some powdery mildew resistant wheat lines

Inheritance and combining ability in some powdery mildew resistant wheat lines

Emre Ilker; Fatma Aykut Tonk; Muzaffer Tosun; Metin Altinbas and Murat Kuçukakça

Abstract: Three commercial varieties susceptible to powdery mildew and five high-yielding genotypes with resistance to powdery mildew from the CIMMYT were used in this study to estimate the general combining ability of parents, to detect gene actions of resistance against powdery mildew and identify the most suitable genotype for transferring resistance genes to the commercial varieties. In conclusion, monogenic inheritance was detected in the F; generation in crosses of parent 48 with two commercial varieties, Atilla-12 and Basribey. The inheritance of parent 72 was digenic in crosses with the same commercial varieties. Parent 48 can be recommended as a parent for powdery mildew resistance and improvement of varieties towards higher spike length, spikelet and kernel numbers per spike and plant height. Parent 72 may also be used for powdery mildew resistance to develop varieties with greater plant height.

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