RAPD-based genetic relationships in different o Bougainvillea cultivars
Sudhir Shukla; Richa Srivastava; Arvind Soni and Anil Kumar
Abstract: The present study deals with authenticating existing knowledge about 21 Bougainvillea cultivars comprising of 9 hybrids and their parents through RAPD analysis. The 19 degenerate primer sets generated 234 bands from which 158 (67.5%) were polymorphic. The UPGMA based dendrogram divided 21 cultivars into two major groups with Jaccard’s similarity coefficient ranging from 0.51 to 0.942. Group A had three cultivars namely Trinidad, Formosa and Dr. H. B. Singh in which Dr. H.B. Singh was confirmed as a hybrid of other two cultivars. Group B was sub divided into 8 clusters. The parentages of 7 out of 8 hybirds have been confirmed based on clusters. The study concluded that the RAPD technique is suitable for confirmation of parent-hybrid relationship.