Defining the target population of environments (TPE) for enviromics studies using R based GIS tools Demila D. M. Cruz, Alexandre B. Heinemann...
Read moreARTICLE – Adaptability and stability of black bean genotypes for Rio de Janeiro, by GGE biplot analysis
Adaptability and stability of black bean genotypes for Rio de Janeiro, by GGE biplot analysis Alexandre Gomes de Souza, Rogerio F. Daher, Josefa...
Read moreARTICLE – Genetic parameters, adaptability and stability to selection of yellow passion fruit hybrids
Genetic parameters, adaptability and stability to selection of yellow passion fruit hybrids Alírio José da Cruz Neto, Raul Castro Carriello Rosa...
Read moreARTICLE – Adaptability and yield stability of soybean genotypes by REML/BLUP and GGE Biplot
Adaptability and yield stability of soybean genotypes by REML/BLUP and GGE Biplot Gabriel de Moraes Cunha Gonçalves, Regina Lucia Ferreira-Gomes...
Read moreARTICLE – Evaluation of genetic parameters and clonal selection of Eucalyptus in the Cerrado region
Evaluation of genetic parameters and clonal selection of Eucalyptus in the Cerrado region Rodrigo de Sousa Oliveira, Carlos Vinícius Gonçalves...
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