Intrapopulation recurrent selection targeting early flowering and grain yield in upland rice Laís Moretti Tomé, Yasmin Vasques Berchembrock...
Read moreARTICLE – Selection of common bean segregating populations using genetic and phenotypic parameters and RAPD markers
Selection of common bean segregating populations using genetic and phenotypic parameters and RAPD markers Hélia Alves de Mendonça; João Bosco dos...
Read moreARTICLE – General and specific combining ability in sweet sorghum
General and specific combining ability in sweet sorghum Mara Jane da Rocha, José Airton Rodrigues Nunes, Rafael Augusto da Costa Parrella, Pakizza...
Read moreARTICLE – Potential of soybean crosses in early inbreeding generations for grain yield
Potential of soybean crosses in early inbreeding generations for grain yield Gabriela Antônia de Freitas Rocha, Fernanda Aparecida de Castro...
Read moreARTICLE – Combining ability of potato parents for tuber appearance and tuber yield component traits
Combining ability of potato parents for tuber appearance and tuber yield component traits Laerte Reis Terres, Emerson Andrei Lenz, Dediel Rocha...
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