CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘UENF 506-11’: a new maize cultivar for the North and Northwest of Rio de Janeiro State

‘UENF 506-11’: a new maize cultivar for the North and Northwest of Rio de Janeiro State

Messias Gonzaga Pereira, Ana Paula Candido Gabriel Berilli, Roberto dos Santos Trindade, Geovana Cremonini Entringer, Pedro Henrique Araújo Diniz Santos, Julio Cesar Fiorio Vettorazzi and Keila Silva da Cunha Galvão

Abstract: The intervarietal hybrid ‘UENF 506-11’ was derived from full-sib maize families in the 11th cycle of reciprocal recurrent selection. It produces a grain yield of 7.57 tons ha-1, and is recommended for cultivation in the North and Northwest regions of the Rio de Janeiro State.

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