ARTICLE – Value for cultivation and use of upland rice cultivars tested in multienvironments

Value for cultivation and use of upland rice cultivars tested in multienvironments

Vanderley Borges, Antônio Alves Soares, Marcos Deon Vilela de Resende, Moizés de Sousa Reis, Vanda Maria de Oliveira Cornelio, Natália Alves Leite, Plínio César Soares and Geovani Tadeu Costa Júnior

Abstract – Data from 11 years of a breeding program for upland rice of the partner institutions Embrapa arroz e feijão, Epamig and UFLA conducted in 11 regions of Minas Gerais, were analyzed by the mixed model methodology. The genotypic correlations between environments ranged from medium to high, suggesting the predominance of simple interaction, but with differentiated ranking of genotypes at the different locations. Lines with specific performance, as well as lines of broad adaptation were identified. The performance of cultivar BRSMG Caravera, released in 2007, was superior to the others in terms of grain yield at all sites assessed, in other words, broad adaptation, in addition to a high genotypic performance.

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