CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Japonesa: new sweet cassava cultivar for the Distrito Federal region

BRS Japonesa: new sweet cassava cultivar for the Distrito Federal region

Eduardo Alano Vieira, Josefino de Freitas Fialho, Marilia Santos Silva, Silvana Vieira de Paula-Moraes, Charles Martins de Oliveira, José de Ribamar Nazareno dos Anjos, Maria Madalena Rinaidi, Francisco Duarte Fernandes and Roberto Guimarães Júnior

ABSTRACT – The sweet cassava cultivar BRS Japonesa was selected by the cassava breeding program of Embrapa Cerrados in 25 participatory evaluations conducted in the region of the Distrito Federal, Brazil. The cultivar was well-accepted by producers, and the probability of being ranked among the top four cultivars is 80 %.

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