ARTICLE – Heritability of stem straightness and genetic correlations in Eucalyptus cladocalyx in the semi-arid region of Chile

Heritability of stem straightness and genetic correlations in Eucalyptus cladocalyx in the semi-arid region of Chile

Felipe Vargas-Reeve, Freddy Mora, Sandra Perret and Carlos Alberto Scapim

Abstract – The aim of this study was to determine genetic parameters for straightness of the trunk of Eucalyptus cladocalyx, with a view to the selection of straight trees, while keeping the impact on growth minimal. The tests were conducted at two locations in the semi-arid region of Chile, using a randomized block design, with 30 replications and 49 half-sib families. The parameters were estimated by a bi-character model of individual trees, using Bayesian inference by Gibbs algorithm. The heritability for stem straightness was shown to be moderate, with h2=0.40 [0.29-0.57]. Heritabilities for diameter and height were moderate: 0.30 [0.24-0.38] and 0.30 [0.22-0.44]. Genetic correlations between straightness and growth were statistically not different from zero. The genotype-environment interaction was not significant (p>0.05) for the traits. The moderate degree of genetic control allows significant genetic gains in environments under water stress.

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