CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS AG: first cultivar of irrigated rice used for alcohol production or animal feed

BRS AG: first cultivar of irrigated rice used for alcohol production or animal feed

Ariano Martins de Magalhães Júnior, Paulo Ricardo Reis Fagundes, Daniel Fernandes Franco, Orlando Peixoto de Morais, Félix Gonçalves de Siqueira, Eduardo Anibele Streck, Gabriel Almeida Aguiar and Paulo Henrique Karling Facchinello

Abstract: BRS AG is an irrigated rice cultivar developed by Embrapa, recommended for cultivation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. It is intended for grain alcohol production or animal feed, with average thousand-grain weight of 52g (double of the conventional cultivars) and average yield of 8193 kg ha-1.

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