CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC OL 5 – New high oleic runner peanut cultivar

IAC OL 5 – New high oleic runner peanut cultivar

Ignácio José de Godoy, João Francisco dos Santos, Marcos Doniseti Michelotto, Andrea Rocha Almeida de Moraes, Denizart Bolonhezi, Rogério Soares de Freitas, Cassia Regina Limonta de Carvalho, Everton Luis Finoto and Antonio Lúcio Melo Martins

Abstract: IAC OL 5 is a new peanut cultivar recommended to growers of peanut regions of the state of São Paulo as another option for planting during the intervals of sugarcane renewal. Its main traits are its runner growing habit, its moderate resistance to virus and foliar diseases, and the high oleic trait.

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