CULTIVAR RELEASE – MS INTA 416: A new Argentinean wheat cultivar carrying Fhb1 and Lr47 resistance genes

MS INTA 416: A new Argentinean wheat cultivar carrying Fhb1 and Lr47 resistance genes

Carlos T. Bainotti, Silvina Lewis, Pablo Campos, Enrique Alberione, Nicolás Salines, Dionisio Gomez, Jorge Fraschina, José Salines1, María B. Formica, Guillermo Donaire, Leonardo S. Vanzetti, Lucio Lombardo, María M. Nisi, Martha B. Cuniberti, Leticia Mir, María B. Conde and Marcelo Helguera

Abstract: MS INTA 416 is a hard red winter wheat selected for high yield potential and good bread-making quality, combined with moderate resistance to Fusarium-head-blight and high resistance to leaf-rust, due mainly to presence of resistance genes Fhb1 and Lr47. MS INTA 416 is adapted to main production areas of Central-Argentina.

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