ARTICLE – Effective selection criteria for assessing the resistance of stink bugs complex in soybean

Effective selection criteria for assessing the resistance of stink bugs complex in soybean

Fabiani da Rocha, Felipe Bermudez, Mônica Christina Ferreira, Kênia Carvalho de Oliveira and José Baldin Pinheiro

Abstract – Soybean plants with resistance to the stink bug complex are currently selected by extremely labor-intensive methods, which limit the evaluation of a large number of genotypes. Thus, this paper proposed the use of an alternative trait underlying the selection of resistant genotypes under field conditions with natural infestation: the weight of healthy seeds (WHS). To this end, 24 genotypes were evaluated under two management systems: with systematic chemical control of insects (management I), and without control (management II). Different indices were calculated using grain weight (YP) of management I and WHS of management II (YS). The high correlation
between YS and the indices mean productivity, stress tolerance and geometric mean productivity, plus the agreement in determining the groups of genotypes with resistance and high yield indicate that WHS is a useful character in simultaneous selection for these traits.

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