CULTIVAR RELEASE – SCS125: new paddy rice cultivar

SCS125: new paddy rice cultivar

Rubens Marschalek, Ester Wickert1, Alexander de Andrade, Laerte Reis Terres, Klaus Konrad Scheuermann, Douglas George de Oliveira, José Alberto Noldin, Marcos Lima Campos do Vale, Donato Lucietti, Eduardo Rodrigues Hickel, Adriana Pereira, Angelo Mendes Massignam, Willian da Silva Ricce and Debora Lainy Silva

Abstract: SCS125 is a late-maturing cultivar with a normal plant type, good resistance to lodging, resistance to blast, high yield, grains with long-thin shape, and good sensory and cooking properties either for parboiling or white rice. SCS125 has better yield and milling quality than SCS116 Satoru and SCS122 Miura.

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