CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC Formoso: new carioca common bean cultivar

IAC Formoso: new carioca common bean cultivar

Sérgio Augusto Morais Carbonell, Alisson Fernando Chiorato, Cassia Regina Limonta Carvalho, Edison Ulisses Ramos Junior, Marcio Akira Ito, Wander Luis Barbosa Borges, Marcelo Ticelli, Neli Cristina Belmiro dos Santos and Paulo Boller Gallo

ABSTRACT – The MAPA/RNC registered the cultivar IAC Formoso with carioca grain of the Instituto Agronômico – IAC, in view of the high mean yield in 24 environments (approximately 2816 kg ha-1), resistance to anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) and Fusarium solani, high grain quality and a cycle of 85 days from emergence to harvest.

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