ARTICLE – Agronomic, physical and chemical characterization of banana fruits

Agronomic, physical and chemical characterization of banana fruits

Lorenna Alves Mattos, Edson Perito Amorim, Kelly de Oliveira Cohen, Tamyres Barbosa de Amorim and Sebastião de Oliveira e Silva

ABSTRACT – The purpose of this study was to characterize 26 banana accessions of the active genebank of Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits (Brazil) for agronomic, physical and physicochemical characteristics. The plant height of the diploid 028003-01 and triploid Walha was short. Regarding the number of fruits and bunch weight, the triploids Caipira, Thap Maeo and the tetraploids Ambrósia and Calipso performed particularly well. Total carotenoid contents were highest in the diploids Jaran and Malbut. The total contents of flavonoid and polyphenol, two natural antioxidants, were highest in tetraploid Teparod. Wide genetic variability was detected for most agronomic, physical and chemical characteristics of the fruits of the banana accessions, enabling the planning of breeding for the development of hybrids with short stature, high yield, pest resistance and high carotenoid, flavonoid and/or polyphenol contents.

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