CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘IAC SEMPRE VERDE’: a wild-derived peanut cultivar highly resistant to foliar diseases

‘IAC SEMPRE VERDE’: a wild-derived peanut cultivar highly resistant to foliar diseases

Ignácio José Godoy, João Francisco Santos, Márcio de Carvalho Moretzsohn, Andrea Rocha Almeida Moraes, Marcos Doniseti Michelotto, Denizart Bolonhezi, Fernando Nakayama, Rogério Soares de Freitas, David John Bertioli and Soraya Cristina de Leal-Bertioli

Abstract: ‘IAC Sempre Verde’ is a medium-seeded runner-type peanut highly resistant to late leaf spot and rust, the main diseases in peanut cultivation in Brazil. The newly released cultivar showed remarkable yield advantage over controls when diseases were not controlled and represents the first possibility for peanut cultivation under “Organic” management.

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