ARTICLE – Genotype x environment interaction and correlation among technological traits of soybean grains

Genotype x environment interaction and correlation among technological traits of soybean grains

Lizz Kezzy de Morais; Deonisio Destro; Nelson da Silva Fonseca Júnior; Sérgio Augusto Morais Carbonell; Lílian Azevedo Miranda and José Baldin Pinheiro

Many of the technological processes in soybean industrialization start with imbibition and finish with cooking. With the growing use of soybean in human nutrition and the increase in the consumption of its derivatives, there is a need to study the genetics of its physical and chemical characteristics and their correlation. The objective of this study was to evaluate technological characteristics in grains of different soybean cultivars and the genotype x environment interaction in six soybean cultivars released by Embrapa- Soybean. The following characters were analyzed: texture after 60 and 90 minutes of cooking ,obtained by the compression of the grain by the TA-XT2i apparatus, weight of one hundred seeds; seed moisture content, water absorption and electric conductivity. Significant differences (P<0,01) were detected among treatments for the characters studied except seed moisture content and water absorption . Characters such as weigh of one hundred seeds and electric conductivity presented significant differences (P<0,01) among environments. The cultivar x environment interaction was significant (P<0,01) for texture under 60 and 90 minutes of cooking , weight of one hundred seeds and electric conductivity. Significant phenotypic and genotypic correlations were found for texture under 60 and 90 minute of cooking (rF = 0,86 and rG = 0,97). Results from this study showed that the environment affected the behavior of the studied genotypes considerably. The correlation texture x cooking time revealed a high relationship for texture in the two cooking times indicating that both of the analyzed characters can be used for texture evaluation in breeding programs. Get the article here. (PDF)