ARTICLE – Plot size in sugarcane family selection experiments

Plot size in sugarcane family selection experiments

Márcio Henrique Pereira Barbosa; Luiz Alexandre Peternelli and Luís Cláudio Inácio da Silveira

This study aimed at verifying the effect of the number of plants per plot on the evaluation of sugarcane families. Five full-sib families were evaluated in randomized complete blocks with 250 genotypes per plot in 3 replications. Each plot consisted of 5 rows with 50 plants each. Based on stalk weight means per row and different sample sizes, it was concluded that 50 plants per plot are adequate for family evaluation in replicated trials. In order to estimate refractometer solids (brix), a sample of at least 10 plants per plot is suggested, using a stalk in each plant for juice extraction. It was also concluded that family stalk yield estimates can be obtained by the product between the number of stalks of the plot and the mean weight of 30 stalks taken from different plants of the family.

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