ARTICLE – Combining ability in baby corn inbred lines (Zea mays L.)

Combining ability in baby corn inbred lines (Zea mays L.)

Luís Roberto Franco Rodrigues and Norberto da Silva

Seven baby corn inbreds were crossed in a complete diallel scheme. The single-cross hybrids obtained were assessed at the São Manuel Experimental Station, in São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment was set up in a randomized complete block design with three replications, including one commercial control. The experimental plots consisted of a single row, 5 m long, with 25 plants. The traits assessed were: number of ears/plot, weight, length and diameter of husked and dehusked ears, plant height and ear height. General and specific combining ability effects (GCA and SCA) were determined. There was genetic variability among hybrids and the best hybrid (27Ax31B) was superior to the control for number of ears/plot and weight of ears dehusked. Inbreds 27 and 29 showed the best GCA effects for number of ears/plot, weight of husked and dehusked ears. The magnitude of GCA showed that the additive effects were dominant in most traits evaluated. The existence of dominance effects was also found.

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